Introduction To Creativepreneurship!

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Whoa! Creativepreneurship? What's that? Let's find out.

Here at ReBoost, it's all about letting the mind go wild, I mean, in a positive sense, of course. How are we going to accomplish that? Good question. Before trying to answer that question, why don't we face another vital question? Does creativity have a horizon? How would you define creative thinking?

If you want to, you can take a look at what Wikipedia has to say about creativity. But I wouldn't go into all that. To me, it's more personal, yet at the same time a common trait. Anything that we do to reflect the visions of our mind can be called creative, according to me. Be it art, or an article, or some form of literature may be, but you get the picture. Creativity, according to me, usually knows no bounds. That's the best part I think there is to it. Your creativity is only as limited as your imagination is.

what creativepreneurship stands for
Image Credit- AlicePopkorn

Now, come to the question of the day! What do I mean by creativepreneurship? Is that even a word? Honestly, I don't think it is. I just made it up. Voila, that's creativity! The more we venture inwards, into the untapped resources and the endless powers of the human mind, the more imaginative and creative we become. That's exactly what we plan on doing here at ReBoost. And You are welcome to join us, the creativepreneurs!

I originally intended to write a longer post as the intro, but I think sometimes, less words make more sense! Reflect on that for a while, young padawan!


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